รวมรูปถ่าย UFOและมนุษย์ต่างดาวที่เป็นของจริงและของปลอม

ในห้อง 'วิทยาศาสตร์ทางจิต - ลึกลับ' ตั้งกระทู้โดย WebSnow, 17 กันยายน 2005.

  1. WebSnow

    WebSnow ผู้ก่อตั้งเว็บพลังจิต ทีมงาน Administrator

    1 เมษายน 2003
    รูป UFO ที่คิดว่าเป็นของจริง

    UFOs, genuine.
    The following pictures are most likely 100% authentic.
    <TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    UFO crash in Russia.

    Over the last 60 years, worldwide a few dozen crashed saucers have been found and secretly recovered. This is one that was found in the former USSR, in August 1987. It is said to have mysteriously disappeared without a trace from the hangar where it was kept

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    3 UFOs, Austria.

    A beautiful picture of 3 UFOs manoeuvering.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Belgium flap 1989-1990.

    A sensational and famous picture of a triangular UFO, seen from below, taken in Belgium at Petit Rechain during the Belgium UFO flap in March, 1990. It's very possible that this is a man-made craft (see below).

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    Overexposed version.

    This overexposed version of the picture unveils the craft's body more effectively.

    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Belgium flap 1989-1990.

    Belgium flap, different source than previous picts. These photos were taken by J.S. Henrardi in Wallonia, Belgium on June 15, 1990. Notice the odd shape of the nose of the object.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Belgium flap 1989-1990.

    As previous.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Triangular craft animation.

    This image comes from a video special effect re-creation of the triangular craft observed during the Belgium flap of 1989-1990, done for the program "Unsolved Mysteries".

    </TD><TD align=middle></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Gulf Breeze.

    A unique and beautiful craft, extensively photographed by Ed Walters in the '60s.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Gulf Breeze.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Gulf Breeze.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Gulf Breeze.

    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Gulf Breeze.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Gulf Breeze.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Gulf Breeze.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Gulf Breeze.

    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Mexico, Pueblo, Atlixco 1991.

    An amazing picture, photographed by a police patrol...

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    Mexico, Tlaxacaca 1991.

    From the same UFO flap

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    Mexico, 1991.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Mexico, 1991.

    Photographed by a police officer called Diaz, who at first thought the UFO was a plane smuggling drugs...

    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Mexico, Puebla, Atlixco 1991.

    The same (type of) UFO, photographed from a police plane.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Mexico, Ocotlan, Jaslico.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Mexico, Ocotlan, Jaslico.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Mexico, Ocotlan, Jaslico.

    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Canada, Hamilton, 1978.

    A UFO model that shows up in many UFO picts. This one was photographed by an anonymous person in Canada.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Mexico, Pueblo, 1992.

    This could well be a close up of the type of craft shown in he previous pict.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]


    A very uncommon model UFO.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Kent, Orpington, England, Feb 2004

    Sent in by one of our visitors.

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    Japan, Chiba 1975.

    This UFO looks a lot like the one filmed by Adamski (probably a Nazi saucer).

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    Adamski type UFO.

    Source unknown.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    At the "Happy Burger", 1989.

    Photographed in LA, CA. USA. A slightly different model than Adamski's.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Red UFO (B/W).

    A red UFO like the one on this pict (in B/W) was seen at several collisions with airplanes.

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    Hungary 2001.

    A UFO filmed by a Hungarian air-force pilot while being off duty, which is why the pictures of it were made public.

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    Hungary 2001.

    The shots of this UFO model that occurs on many picts are of very high quality.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Hungary 2001.

    The source of these Hungarian video shots is www.rense.com .

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    Hungary 2001, zoom.

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    Austria, Steire 1971.

    Very much the same UFO model as the one of the Hungarian footage, photographed in 1971 in Austria.

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    Sqaudron of 3 UFOs.

    The model of these UFOs is very close to that of the Hungarian footage, but of a different color.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]


    This UFO model looks a lot like the previous ones, but is actually slightly different, having a small dome.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]


    Another shot.

    </TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Derbyshire, UK 2002.

    A very odd UFO videoed by an English housewife who ventured out in her garden with a camera just on the right moment.

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    Space shuttle video UFO.

    This UFO filmed by the space shuttle looks a lot like the one filmed in Derbyshire.

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    Danmark, Jutland.

    This strange UFO looks the most like a... jelly-fish.

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    Bettman 1994.

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    USA, East, 2002.

    A peculiar UFO. Source: www.rense.com .

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    USA, East, 2002.

    Several cut-outs from several shots.

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    USA, East, 2002, zoom.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    USA, East, 2002, zoom.

    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    USA, East, 2002, zoom.

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    Rendition of UFO.

    A computer-aided generated rendition of what the UFO might actually look like.

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    Photo by F15 fighter, 1994.

    This UFO looks very much like the one of the previous picts.

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    Woods UFO, 2001.

    A very uncommon UFO model.

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    Fleet of UFOs.

    UFO Fleet Taped Over Bedhampton.

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    Australia, Melbourne 1966.

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    UFO above fence.

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    USA, CA. Bishop.

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    Battle of Los Angeles, CA. 1942.

    A UFO is kept in lights from the ground when flying over Los Angeles in 1942.

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    China, Tientsien, Hopeh, 1942.

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    China, Tientsien, Hopeh, 1942, zoom.

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    France, Rouen 1954.

    Classic UFO pict from the 50s, taken by a French soldier.

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    Peru, Maldonato, 1952.

    A UFO leaving an odd smoke-like trail behind it.

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    Peru, Silvani.

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    Pinto Mountains, CA. 1981.

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    Bob Lazar UFO.

    According to Bob Lazar, who worked at area 51, this is how some of the UFOs look that are reversed engineered there. More info about Lazar can be found here.

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    Las Vegas 2004.

    A "fireball" craft photographed by SK from Las Vegas. The craft looks very much like the one photographed by Diaz, in Mexico (see above).

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    Las Vegas 2004.

    A diamond shaped craft, photographed above the city of Las Vegas, by SK.

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    Las Vegas 2004.

    Two fireball crafts. What seems to be beams of light are actually lens flares. Photo by SK.

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    Las Vegas 2004.

    Here a UFO that moved very quickly was photographed, resulting in this strange pict. Photo by SK.

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    Mexico, aug 6, 1997.

    This UFO was videoed above downtown Mexico City, in 1997. You can find the video here or here.

    </TD><TD align=middle></TD><TD align=middle>[music]http://palungjit.org/attachments/a.40105/[/music] </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


    • be-ps-14.mp3
      1.7 MB
  2. WebSnow

    WebSnow ผู้ก่อตั้งเว็บพลังจิต ทีมงาน Administrator

    1 เมษายน 2003
    รูป UFO ที่เป็นของปลอม

    <TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier classic, but fake...

    This is one of the best known picts made by Billy Meier. Much of his picts and videos look remarkably real and are quite difficult to be proven fake. However, even this classic Meier pict is fake, as the following analyses shows. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier classic fake.

    The previous UFO, in higher resolution. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier's classic exposed.

    On this photo analysis by the researcher and UFO debunker Peter Brookesmith it can be clearly seen that the UFO is simply a model hanging on a string... Source </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier classic fake exposed.

    A verification of the previous photo analysis of the Meier fakery, although for a slightly different version of that pict. </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier fake UFO on string.

    Although it makes a nice picture, when you see the film footage of it, this "ET craft" is clearly moving as hanging on a string (notwithstanding the waving tree tops). You can find a clip of it here. You get the best result when viewing the clip 2x its normal speed! Bear in mind that this is a relatively LARGE model, which is why it looks relatively real, in particular when taken against the tree which is not necessarily as big as it seems (think of Bonsai trees!). When you view the other clips on the link mentioned, note that the wobbling left to right, is also typical for an object hanging on a string, and not the result of some "unstable magnetic field"... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier fake UFO.

    The same fake craft as on the previous pict. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier fake UFO, reconstruction by K. K. Korff.

    This is a reconstruction of one of the picts of a model very similar to the one seen in the previous picts, done by Kal Korff. He uses a simple plate, photographing it aproximately at the same height (albeit a little lower) of exactly the same hill Meier photographed his pict. Korff's full investigation can be found in his book on the Meier case. </TD><TD align=middle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier fake UFO and proof of deception.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Graphic reconstruction.

    </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>According to Meier's ex-wife he made this fake UFO (above) with the cover of a garbage can and kitchen utensils, then photographed it from nearby. This pict offers IRREFUTABLE proof of a deliberate deception, without any special equipment or software needed to reach that verdict. All we have to do is look and think about what we're seeing. We see a "craft" that is in focus ("sharp") while the house on the background is out of focus ("blurry"). This means the house is a lot further away from the camera than the "craft" is. We can estimate from the size of the windows that the house is at aprox. 12m to 18m (39.4 to 59 feet) from the camera. Since the house is so much out of focus, while the craft is in focus, the craft must be at most at 1m to 2m (3.3 tot 6.6 feet) away from the camera. The craft is therefore at most +/- 1,5m (4.9 feet) large! It MUST just be a model, albeit a relatively large one. (Note that the above link leads to a slightly enlarged version of the pict available, which causes everything to be slightly more blurred than the original, but it still shows clearly that the "craft" in the foreground is much more in focus than the house in the background, plus some other flagrant discrepancies. You can find the original pict here). </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier fake UFO and proof of deception.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Graphic reconstruction.

    </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>This pict (above) is another example of IRREFUTABLE proof of a deception, without any special equipment or software needed to analyze it. Since the "craft" is perfectly in focus ("sharp"), while the car is completely out of focus ("blurry"), to know if this is a hoax or not, all that we need is to answer the following question: is the "craft" in front of the car, or is it behind the car? If it is behind the car, it is definitely a big object. This is the impression Meier intended to create... But if the "craft" is in front of the car, it is definitely a relatively small object, much too small to carry a humanoid of normal size. The object can definitely not be above the car, and be aprox. twice the size of the car, since in that case both the object and the car would be perfectly in focus, which is not the case. With two objects, one being in focus ("sharp") and the other out of focus ("blurry"), while neither shape overlaps the other, it would, with all cirumstances being neutral, be impossible to tell which is in front of the other. However, here it is the light that allows the viewer to determine that the "craft" is really IN FRONT of the car. The reason for that is that the light source is slightly behind the camera, at its left, yet it is the object and NOT the car that is the brightest, and receiving the most light. Therefore, the object MUST be in front of the car (hanging slightly above eye-level), and be significantly smaller to be so much more in focus ("sharper") than the car, and brighter at the same time. There is simply no way to refute this fact... The car is aprox. 4,3m long. We can estimate from the size of the car that the camera is aproximately at +/- 10m distance. Therefore the craft must be at most at 1m to 2m (3.3 tot 6.6 feet) away from the camera. The craft is therefore at most +/- 1,5m (4.9 feet) large! This is in complete accord with the previous analysis, and a perfect corroboration. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier fake UFO.

    Same fake UFO as previous picts. Note the completely unrealistic feel of this pict. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier fake UFO.

    Same fake UFO as previous picts. Same trick with the trees as for the first pict. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier fake UFO.

    Same fake UFO as previous picts. Here it can be clearly seen the "craft" is actually a small model, since it hangs in front and onto of some of the branches of the FRONT tree, even though the Meier clan claims it hangs "between" the 2 trees that can be seen... (The above link leads to an enlarged version of the available pict, find the original pict here). </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Billy Meier fake UFO.

    Same fake UFO as previous picts. Same false perspective trick as for the extensive analyses above. Notice that while the car projects a shadow to its left, no shadow can be seen coming from the "craft", even though this is precisely what should happen if the "craft" was hanging above the car, and not far IN FRONT of it, close to the camera... We also see the same focus discrepancies as for the previous picts. (The above link leads to a slightly enlarged version of the available pict, find the original pict here). </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake Pleadians, Asket & Nera

    Never being out of ideas, Meier even endeavoured to make fake picts of his mythical Pleadian visitors. When people noticed a reflection and a strange curve in the pictures, Meier tried to make believe that he took the photographs from a large videoscreen on board of a 'beamship'... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Susan McIver, a.k.a. Suzan Lund, on the Dean Martin Show

    In fact, he simply took pictures off a very earthly TV screen. The "Pleadian" he called "Asket", was in reality proven to be a dancer on the Dean Martin show, called Susan McIver, a.k.a. Suzan Lund. Once this became known, Meier then claimed he was set up by the "Men in Black", and that they stole the original photos, replacing them by these. Sure, Billy... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Model in Meier's barn.

    This is a picture of a model of a "Pleadian craft", which was allegedly found in a barn at Meier's farm, and photographed by the researcher Kal Korff. Meier has admitted that he owns such models, but claims they are only for his kids... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake UFO for demonstration.

    Here's a rather good example of how easy it is to fake a UFO pict like those made by Meier. Note in this pict the extra difficulty of using clouds on the background, instead of a crystal clear blue sky, which appears in most of Meier's picts, and which make it easier to copy and paste objects. Read the full story and find more examples here. Other examples of fake UFOs can be found here. </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Meier's and Adrian's "beamships" compared.

    In the 1990s another "Pleiadean contactee" appeared, by the name of Adrian. He claimed to have photographed ET crafts of the same type as Meier's. When comparing these picts, Adrian's pict would seem to confirm the authenticity of Meier's picts of the same type of craft. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Pict by Adrian of several crafts on a row.

    But this pict by Adrian clearly pushes things too far, as it shows 3 Meier type crafts, and an Adamski type craft (on the left), perfectly on a row, just right to be photographed through a patio railing. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Adrian's pict exposed.

    A particular photo analysis shows that in fact the 3 Meier type crafts are hanging on a string. The same could be the case for the Adamski craft, or it could be a montage. The pict is a hoax, and obviously the work of someone who tried to benefit from Meier's initial hoax. Source: ufowatchdog.com </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Adrian's pict exposed.

    One doesn't really need any special software to see some of the strings, as shown in this enlargement. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    Other cases.

    Here is a selection of "minor league" hoaxters.

    <TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake UFO by Jonathan Reed.

    This fake triangular UFO was photographed by a certain Jonathan Reed, actually named Jonathan Rutter. The object on this pict is obviously fake, while research has shown Reed/Rutter's story is completely made up. Read an excellent report here. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake UFO by Jonathan Reed.

    It can easily be seen this is a relatively small object, by comparing it to the size of the bush vegetation. It would be completely unable to carry an ET of the size shown on his fake picts of it (see fake ETs, below). </TD><TD align=middle></TD><TD align=middle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

  3. WebSnow

    WebSnow ผู้ก่อตั้งเว็บพลังจิต ทีมงาน Administrator

    1 เมษายน 2003
    ETs, genuine.
    The following pictures are most likely 100% authentic.

    <TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Alien on bed.

    Although a picture of unknown origin, this is very probably a genuine ET.
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    Stranded alien.

    Alien photographed in Italy by Filiberto Caponi.
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    Stranded alien 2.

    The alien seems to have been stranded after his craft was shot down 2 days before by the Italien airforce.
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    Stranded alien 3.

    The odd looking skin is actually a space suit that has melted...
    More info can be found at ufocasebook.com/caponi.html
    Zie ook artikel.
    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Solway Firth Spaceman '64.

    When Jim Templeton took this charming picture of his 5 year old daughter in the English countryside in May 1964, once it was developed in a Kodak laboratory a spaceman was found appearing on it. There was no tampering with the negatives...
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    Solway Firth Spaceman '64 zoom.

    A zoom on the spaceman.
    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Ilkley Moor Alien.

    This reptilian-ish alien was photographed by an anonymous policeman in '87.
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    Ilkley Moor Alien.

    The full picture of which the previous picture is a zoom.
    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Chile ET, 2004.

    This ET was photographed in Chile. The silhouette is blurred allegedly due to a technical error of the camera with which this picture was made. Although the ET itself is rather blurred on the image, it does seem genuine.
    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Chile ET, 2004.

    This is the original picture (although B/W) of the ET photographed in Chile. Notice the small silhouette crossing the path, just behind the horse on the left. From the proportions it can be concluded this is not a child or midget. Read the full report here.
    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Alien being interviewed.

    This is a picture taken from a video of what seems to be an interview with what is most probably a genuine alien, at area 51. The footage is said to have been smuggled out of the base by a certain Victor. Read the full report here. You can download a version of the video of good internet quality here (Windows Media Player), and an edited less good quality version here (RealOne Player). View full screen for best results!
    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Alien being interviewed.

    Another picture from the video, here showing a person on the background. Opinions diverge strongly weather this footage is genuine or not. However, there seem to be muscle contractions around as well as in the eyes and in other parts of the ET's face, while the body movements would be difficult to do with a puppet, much more so with a latex prop, indicating the footage is probably genuine. Other significant evidence the video is genuine is given by the reverse speech analysis of an interview with "Victor".
    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]

    Chino Zayas ET.

    Killed in a cave, near Santiago of Puerto Rico by Chino Zayas who struck the ET on the head. Here the ET is shown out of the formaldehyde jar he's usually kept in.
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    Chino Zayas ET.
    Zoom on the back of the ET's head showing traces of the fatal blow.
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    Tiny alien.

    A creature that was found in Chile, having distinctly humanoid features yet extremely small.
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    Tiny alien 2.

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    Tiny alien.

    Seen from the front.
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    Dromiciops australis marsupialis.

    A number of "scientists" are claiming the creature of the previous picts is merely a rare marsupial. Compare the picts and be the judge of how likely this is...
  4. WebSnow

    WebSnow ผู้ก่อตั้งเว็บพลังจิต ทีมงาน Administrator

    1 เมษายน 2003

    ETs, probably fake.
    For the following pictures it's highly probable - but not 100% sure - they show fake ET's.
    If you have any additional information, please<SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript> <!--document.write('let us know!');// --> </SCRIPT>
    let us know!

    <TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Greeting alien.
    Very likely fake, but cute though... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Alabama alien '73.

    Chief of Police Greenshaw in Falkville Alabama photographed this alleged alien wearing a sort of tin foil space suit... It seems an improbable type of suit. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Dragon baby.

    This small baby dragon was found in Oxfordshire. Read the story here. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    ETs, fake.
    For the following pictures it's 100% certain they show FAKE ETs and/or related phenomena.

    <TABLE height=200 cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Alleged alien at area 51.

    This "alien" has 100% positively been identified to actually be an inexpensive latex prop sculpted by the distinguished Hollywood makeup effects designer, Don Post. In certain retail shops it's possible to find a model of it that glows in the dark... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Don Post alien.

    This is a pict of another set up with the alien designed by Don Post, made for an exhibition. Compare with previous pict. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    April's fool joke 1950.

    This picture appeared in the German newspaper "Wiesbadener Tagesblatt" in 1950. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    April's fool joke 1950.

    The hoax picture shown with one of the series of pictures it was made from by painting an alien head on the boy, a son of Hans Scheffler. </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake alien prop in jar.

    This prop has been presented as the "Salinas alien", allegedly killed by 2 young boys who were molested by a group of ETs. In reality it's a prop that can even be bought online at www.frightcatalog.com</TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Alien skeleton.

    Apparently being shown to selected MUFON visitors, this skeleton is said by one witness who touched it to be made of some sort of plastic. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Vietnam ET skull hoax.

    This USA soldier in the Vietnam war found a skull alleged to be alien. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Vietnam ET skull hoax original.

    This is what the photo really looks like when not manipulated... (= original version, not "de-manipulated"). </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    TV movie alien.

    This image comes from the movie called "Roswell: the UFO cover up".</TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Roswell Alien prop

    This is a cast from the prop that was used for the movie of the previous pict. It was sculpted by Steven Johnson. <TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Japan exhibit alien.

    This wax model of an alien was presented at a space exhibit in Japan. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Japan exhibit alien as Roswell alien.

    This is how the Japan wax model is presented as a genuine Roswell alien... </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Roswell museum alien.

    This is a sculpture from the Roswell International Museum meant to be a depiction of how the aliens found there in the 1947 UFO crash near Roswell (New Mexico) might have looked like. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Roswell museum alien.

    Same picture as previous, with another coloring.</TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Roswell museum alien.

    Another pict of the Roswell museum exhibit. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Roswell museum alien.

    Another pict of the Roswell museum exhibit. </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Roswell museum alien.

    This is a picture of the renewed alien exhibit at the Roswell International Museum, using a new alien prop. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Roswell museum alien, artistic.

    This picture of the Roswell museum alien was named one of the 100 best pictures by National Geographic.</TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake Roswell Santilli alien.

    This is the alien from the infamous Santilli footage. Many indications prove the footage just like the alien are fake. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake Roswell Santilli alien 2.
    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake Roswell Santilli alien 3.
    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake alien by Jonathan Reed.

    This fake alien was photographed by a certain Jonathan Reed, actually named Jonathan Rutter. It looks somewhat convincing, but the next picts should abolish the idea of genuineness, as do the fake UFO picts (see above). Furthermore, research has shown his story is completely made up. Read an excellent report here. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake Reed alien.

    On this pict it's easier to see the ET is actually a dummy with a fake headwound. Reed's story is that he hit the ET when it attacked his dog. By the way, Rutter has a reputation to be allergic to dogs or any animal, and to never have owned one... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake Reed alien.

    Fake inspection of the fake ET. </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Alleged alien called "Aleshenka".

    Around 2004, several web sites in Russia have spread the latest news about the nature of this creature that was found in Kashtim, Ural mountains, by an old woman: it's said that its DNA was checked and found to be that of a normal human female. The abnormality of the poor being raised further discussion as to whether she was the victim of radiation driven mutation or normal albeit unfortunate natural mutations. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Hoax meeting ET and Bush.

    A hoax picture of Bush who seems to meet an ET. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Bush showing the hoax ET picture to the press.

    </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Fake Greada meeting.

    A photo montage. Notice how nobody seems to notice the ET and how the lighting on the latter is different than that on the others. </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Head of a "Reptilian".

    What seems to be the head of an obviously humanoid Reptilian creature is actually just a piece of art by Charlie White... It fooled a whole bunch of people, including us (blush...).
    The art is presented at:
    Art in context. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Woman and creature.

    Another Charlie White creation that could look as an ET.
    Art in context. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Abduction hoax

    These were allegedly marks of a Brazialian man having been abducted, lifted up by a beam of light from a UFO. In reality the marks have been shown to have been made by burnig torches and/or hot metal bars... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Abduction hoax 2.
    See previous comment. This hoax was done by Urandir Oliveira whose goal seems to be to run a lucrative sect. More info can be found here </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Alleged alien photographed in North Carolina, USA, 1967.

    A teenager named Ron Hill claimed to have taken this photo of an ET in his backyard. In reality, the "alien" was a doll wrapped in aluminum foil... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Cryogenic tank alien - artwork.

    This pict shows an imaginary piece of artwork created by Larry Barnes, and was commissioned by Jeff Goodman, the editor of the magazine "Official UFO and Ancient Astronauts". The pict started a life on its own and appeared in various publications, with the claim that it shows one of the bodies recovered at a UFO crash. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  5. ๙๙๙๙๙๙๙๙๙

    ๙๙๙๙๙๙๙๙๙ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    30 กรกฎาคม 2005
    บางอันก็ดูเหมือนจริง อันที่เป็นของจริงบางอันก็เหมือนปลอม แต่จะจริงหรือปลอม ก็ไม่เป็นไร เพราะ เคยเห็นของจริงมาบ้างแล้ว มีทั้งเห็นคนเดียว และเห็นกันทั้งโรงเรียน อันที่เห็นกันทั้งโรงเรียนตอนนั้นอยู่ ประมาณ ป.5 กำลังทำกิจกรรมกลางแจ้งกันอยู่ กำลังนั้งรอคุณครูอยู่ที่สนาม แล้วพอดีมีเพื่อนคนหนึ่งแหงนหน้ามองขึ้นไปข้างบน ก็เลยชวนคนอื่นดู ก็เห็น อะไรไม่รู้ มีรูปร่าง คลายๆกับ บอลลูน มากัน 3ลำ แต่พอดูดีๆแล้ว มันมีขนาดใหญ่กว่าบอลลูนมากๆเลย เพราะมัน ลอยอยู่สูงเหนือเมฆ เกินกว่าที่บอลลูนจะรอยได้ และ รอยตามกันไป ท้าเทียบขนาดกับเครื่องบินแล้ว ความสูงในระดับนั้น เครื่องบิน ยังกะเล็กกว่าเลย มีลักษณะเหมือนลูก กลมๆ สี ขาวๆเงินๆ แล้ววันนัน ก็ไม่ต้องเรียนเพราะคุณครูก็ดูด้วย อิอิ สบายเด็กไปเลย นั้งแหงนคอกันเมื่อยไปเลย ( ประทับใจและตื่นแต่นดี ) ครังที่ 2 นั้งดูหนังอยู่ที่บ้าน ที่ จ.นครนายก แถวๆนั้นก็ เป็นภูเขา และไม่ข้อยมีคนมาก ดึกๆ คนก็นอนกันหมดเพราะเป็นต่างจังหมด ตอนนั้น เวลาประมาณเทียงคืนได้ กำลังนั้งดู บิกซีนีมา ช่อง 7 ก็ มองไปที่หน้าต่าง เห็น วัถุดวงกลมๆ ขนาดใหญ่มากๆ มีหลายสีสลับกันไป แต่สว่างมากๆ สว่างจนเห็นก้อนเมฆ บนท้องฟ้า รอยผ่านไป เวลาที่เห็น น่าจะใช้เวลาประมาณ ไม่เกิน 5วิ เห็นจะได้ นี้ก็เป็นเรื่องที่ผมเห็น 2ครั้งครับ แต่ว่าอยากเห็นอีกจัง สงสัยคงต้องรอให้พี่ Web snow ติดตอมาให้ดู ซักหน่อยละ
  6. ป้อม

    ป้อม เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    16 กันยายน 2005
    อืม....... มนุษย์ต่างดาวพวก ET เสียเป็นส่วนใหญ่ มีทั้งของพลอมของจริงเลยนะครับ
    จาก http://members.thai.net/ribina/time/index.html ชมรมต่างดาวบนโลกจ้า
  7. demonicus

    demonicus เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    31 กรกฎาคม 2005
    999999999ใช้ภาษาไทยผิดตั้งหลายที่ นายตกวิชาภาษาไทยหรือเปล่า.......แค่สงสัยน่ะ
  8. หนูมาลี

    หนูมาลี เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    15 เมษายน 2005
    อยากแนะนำ ให้ไป ดู เดอะเอ็กซ์ไฟล์
    ที่ทำเป็นหนังใหญ่ แนวๆนี้เลย
  9. Miyaki

    Miyaki สมาชิก

    29 สิงหาคม 2005
    แล้วรูปที่ตึก worldtrad center ที่อเมริกาล่ะครับของจริงหรือของปลอมครับ
  10. bridge

    bridge เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    29 สิงหาคม 2005
    เห็นคุณ demonicus เกือบทุกหน้าเลย และมีความคิดดีบ้าง เราก็เห็นด้วยหลายเรื่องบ้าง แต่ส่วนใหญ่แล้วจะเป็นความคิดที่เริ่มด้วยเหตุผล แล้วก็จบที่เข้าทางตัวเองนะ
  11. ozzman

    ozzman เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    18 กรกฎาคม 2005
    มันเหมือนเป็นง่อย โดนไฟไหมมาหรือเปล่าครับ นิ้วกุดด้วย..อิ..อิ..

  12. staystill

    staystill เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    24 มิถุนายน 2010
    เผอิญเข้าไปเห็นมาครับก็เลยเอามาให้ดูกัน ของคุณ websnow ผู้ก่อตั้งเว็ป
  13. emaN resU

    emaN resU เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    12 ธันวาคม 2009
    [​IMG]<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=10 summary="" cellPadding=8 width=800 align=center height=200><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Greeting alien.
    Very likely fake, but cute though... </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Alabama alien '73.

    Chief of Police Greenshaw in Falkville Alabama photographed this alleged alien wearing a sort of tin foil space suit... It seems an improbable type of suit. </TD><TD align=middle>[​IMG]
    Dragon baby.

    This small baby dragon was found in Oxfordshire. Read the story here. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    ดูตอนงัวเงียแล้วสับสนนิดหน่อย... อย่าแบนน์กันนะ
  14. ลูกท่าน

    ลูกท่าน เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    31 ธันวาคม 2009
  15. Mr.Boy_jakkrit

    Mr.Boy_jakkrit เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    15 กรกฎาคม 2008
    ผมกำลังคิดเหมือนกันว่าจะนำให้ชมทั้งสองแบบเลย แล้วแต่จะตัดสินใจเชื่อหรือไม่เชื่อ
    การจะเชื่อไม่เชื่อนั้นเป็นสิทธิของบุคคลนั้นๆ และบุคคลนั้นต้องรับชอบเองในการสินใจนั้นๆ
  16. pimrapat

    pimrapat Active Member

    14 มิถุนายน 2006
    เขาหามาให้ดูก็ดีแล้วนิ ขอบคุณค่ะ
  17. ali-kk

    ali-kk เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    18 พฤษภาคม 2010
    อย่างว่าแหละเนอะ ขนาดกาแล็กซี่เรายังมีโลกที่มีมนุยษ์อย่างเราๆอาศัยอยู่
    นั่นแสดงให้เห็นถึงวิทยาการที่ก้าวหน้ากว่าเราหลายเท่าอ่ะ มันน่าคิดน่ะเราว่า.....
  18. k.kwan

    k.kwan เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    22 พฤศจิกายน 2007
    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/WlLN_Jcg1pc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/WlLN_Jcg1pc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  19. k.kwan

    k.kwan เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    22 พฤศจิกายน 2007
    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/m8sT0mxp5tE&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/m8sT0mxp5tE&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  20. รพินทร์ไพรวัลย์

    รพินทร์ไพรวัลย์ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    6 ตุลาคม 2007
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fMA8pgWxlk]YouTube - Real Ufo Crash[/ame]

    ชอบดูอันนี้อ่ะ ตกกระจาย จริงๆนะ ตก กระจาย

